Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Day After

So yesterday was Valentine's Day....(sarcastically) woohoo! I say so simply because V Day celebrations that I had spent so much time and effort putting together were crushed due to circumstances beyond my control but I thought "ok since that wont work out maybe this will." Silly me, on the Day in question, after crafting a very hansom looking chain (i.e. necklace) for my beloved I am informed that he doesnt celebrate such a day. Mind you his reasoning couldnt really be argued with since he believes that he shouldnt just take one day out of the year to show his sweethear how much he appreci-loves her. Ok fine, but it would have a lot better if he had informed girl before I went ahead and made plans and stuff.

Besides that my efforts were not completely wasted. We spent a nice evening together and sadly had to part this morning so I could go to work.....bummer. After work however I shall travel on wings to doves to be reunited with my love once more.....[oh so Shakespeare, dont ya think?]


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