Sunday, October 26, 2008

Movie Thoughts

Well there are lots and lots o' movies to choose from. What to choose i wonder:
1. Eagle Eye- come on Shia! Anything with Shia in it is bound to be good. I really like the trailer. Really want to watch it.

2. Changeling- Just saw the trailer for this one.....meh! not that interesting really but hey its a movie and i need something to do...all work n no play...

3. Pride and Glory- ok so another Leo movie, missed seeing him one my screen. Not getting good reviews though, too cliche is it monsieur critics!! I guess i'll find out what they were talking bout sooner or later.

4. Seven Pounds- Ah Will, THIS ONE looks promising, I was not impressed with I am Legend in the least! Seems to be playing a bit close to the Pursuit of Happiness theme though but what can yo expect when its the same director. Ne who I do believe that I will not waste my money this time when i go out to watch this.

5. The Day the World Stood Still- seriously the name of this movie alone screams BORING AS HECK!!! I have no want or need to watch this at all. But who knows I might see something in it after I check out the trailer, not holding my breath though.

On to other things I found this pic while checking out Pushing Daisies, thought it was so cute and theatrical.

I so want to check it out now, the plot sound rather interesting (seems like im cut off from the tv world- with reason though)I just hope they dont kill the series until I've taken in a few episodes.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Barrak v. McCain: The Streets!

I was going through citations at work when I stumbled across this video starring the two presidential candidates, Barrack and McCain. I thought it was rather entertaining......oh how could I forget there is a surprise a appearance by Palin. Check it out

Unbelievable McCain Vs. Obama Dance-Off - Watch more Free Videos

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Hell Week........well sorta

So this is a hard week for me, I'm still trying to juggle school and work both FULL TIME!!! ( sorta seems like suicide to me now). Got ton's of hoemwork due one behind the other and to add a little flavour I also have 2 midsemester exams.....lovely isnt it? But i will survive.

So I noticed that there are alot of exciting developments like the ebook readers....ooooooooh pretty....I'm a bit interested in the Kindle but the style of it has much to be desired. Now the Kindle 2 has a look that I can warm up to, thank you BGR. If Amazon is really trying to draw persons away from readers like the sony reader and iRex, the Kindle 2 should be a MAJOR upgrade......touch screen, light weight, 10" screen, nice carrying case and the proper placement of buttons. So Amazon I'm watching your Kindle and Kindle 2 .

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