Tuesday, January 27, 2009

School Begins!!

So today is my first day of school and seriously yesterday I was totally pissed off by my class registration status....I got declined for a course for no apparent reason as I have met all the requirements needed to do the course. Any ways after checking out the course at school today I realized that it was probably a good thing that I was declined for that course in the first place.

So yea, school! Wonderful school! Im pretty excited....I dont kno why but I am. It is the start of lectures and lecture notes, tutorials and the dreaded assignments that come with them. Something tells me that this semester is going to be a tough one especially with the fact that I missed a class yesterday since I decided to sign up for it today and the next one isnt until next week.....but in the words of a popular vintage song "I will survive!"

Friday, January 23, 2009

Durex Innovation

I was at work when a coworker of mine floated this link:

(a copy and paste really but chk it out)
funny as hell you have to see it...I dubbed the video "The Versatility of a Durex Condom"

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Wow 2009

Ok so its a new year I might be a bit late but HAPPY NEW YEAR. With a new year comes new issues, interests and possibilities. Over the Christmas holidays I Reassessed my plans and my goals and so far for this year its going smoothly.

I urge everyone to reassess their lives thus far see what changes and alterations can be to better not only yourself but you environment cause sometimes things need to change.

So school shall revive itself next week, honestly I'm not too happy about that but life must go on and for now University is apart of my life. Only one more year to go that's the good part.

In other news this is my first entry for the new year n i cant help but think about chocolate ant the various kinds that is available: milk chocolate, dark chocolate and variations of both. My favorite is reeces(sp), I absolutely love the chocloate peanute butter combination. Another one is M&M's the peanut kind. Love my chocolate. But the king of all chocolates is Hershey's, cookies and cream to be exact and kisses of course.

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