Tuesday, June 9, 2009

still here

so im still at home doing nothing.....its the weirdest feeling can i tell u....but im still holdin on....got an interview last week i guess it didnt go as wel as i thought it did...oh well u win some u loose some.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Life in the Unemployment Line

So my account closed and I was made redundant. It has now been 3 weeks and I'm totally bored out of my wits!! I seriously need something to do. I never thought that I would feel this weird not going to work everyday but I do. I feel like I currently dont have a purpose other than the one I serve at home.

I have a wonderful and supportive fam in all this as well as friends including those who were once my coworkers but the thing is that though that is present it doesnt prevent the feeling of disappointment and slight desperation form settling in. Its a hard thing to shake. Hopefully I'll be back into the world of work but as I wait I hope I dont go crazy.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

SUMMER finally!!!!!

Well I have completed all my second year final exams.........and I am loving it.......currently before I go totally nuts im doing some house keeping, i.e washing my clothes and tomorrow i'll clean my house.....THEN PAARRTYY!! Im thinking of hitting ATI this year seeing that i've never been......maybe even OSMOSIS and whatever other party thats all inclusive or super inclusive which ever one.....ill still be keeping an eye on my budget...wont over spend but will party till i cant party no more

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Tons of things to do..SOOOOOOOOOOO little time

I know I've been very negligent of my blog lately and its sad, but I'm a very busy girl these days. The usual assignments have me by the neck, and this time I have to do them in a group....not really a fan of group work but I have some decent peeps in my group so it's going a lot better than I expected.

The other thing is that final exams are but 2weeks away and honestly it scares the heck out of me. But I'm a fighter so no matter what i have to do I will pass them all with good grades too.

so till next time keep the faith

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Here We Go Again

So it's been a while since I've been here, but I have good reason. Still the usual being swamped by school work, the assignments, papers to bring in, the program called SPSS to deal with, class notes to write and so on. Not to mention the total LACK OF SLEEP, the precious commodity that I simply can't afford right now--bummer but c'est la vie...at the end of it all I shall be the one who conquers.

And since I may be spending another year at UWI I decided to take up Japanese courses I'll definately have fun with this one.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Harry Potter Trailer


Yo check out the trailer for the new Harry Potter movie Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE soo excited!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Still Unbelievable.........??

Well there's alot of things floating around about what really transpired between the guy I dubbed "the next Usher," Chris Brown and Rihanna. At first I was like.....did he really do that? Chris? My Chris no there must have been someone else with the same name.....until....well until I saw the leaked photo of Rihanna.

I could not believe my eyes....girl looked like she just took the beating blow by blow....I mean Chris may be strong and all but come on Riri you are a Caribbean woman, we dont just take that shizz we fight back.

Mind you I'm only speculating, but from the information I got it's gonna be alot of trouble for Chris. Apparently he may be up for federal charges and if that happens we're going to have to find the 'right time to say goodbye' to Chris 'Breezy' after all he sent a good girl to the 'emergency room' [corny lyric placement I know].
Seriously still this may just be the end of his career and another steppping stone for Rihanna. We all know how this type of thing plays out.

Think about it, if he gets charged and what-not we may never see Chris again until he's like 29! And they were so cute together! Why?! Why?! Why I say! This just sheg up!

All of that aside I dont care who it is or what sort of power or fame they have, abusing someone, anyone is WRONG plain and simple. I can't say how disappointed I am in you Chris!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Weighing It All

I've noticed for a number of years this growing concern about weight for both men and (predominantly) women. The progression has been fast and furious with the emergence of one too many diet pills, weight management programs such as jenny craig, self help books and so on. What happened to the time where people were comfortable in the skin they are in?

It seems to me that things have been far too motivated by the whole 'look like a super model' mentality. The sad thing is that persons tend to take the weight management thing way too far as a result there's the emergence of bulimia, anorexia nervosa and obesity.

I mean come on people NOT everyone was born to be skinny some persons are just fluffy because that's their body type. I remember a classmate I had in high school who is plump and let me tell you the girl was healthy as a horse and virtually ran rings around some of the skinny girls. Not saying that some levels of fat is not healthy because it is, what I'm saying is that you don't have to look like a stick in negative 2 (-2) sized jeans to look good or be healthy.

All I'm saying is that the constant obsession with body weight is down right disgraceful! If you are unhappy with your body then you need to ask yourself why is this so? Is it because of the hating heffer down the road or a wutliss boyfriend who has been complaining about your weight since day one? Dont let someone else influence how you feel about you......easier said than done but it is possible.
If you need or want to make a change do it for yourself and NO ONE ELSE!

I have no problem with my weight, not obese or under weight just the right size but I'm not happy with my body simply because I've moved from an active lifestyle to that of a couch potato without the couch.... the only thing I'm changing is my laziness.

The only reason for the intervention of a diet in my view of course is the fact that your current lifestyle is unhealthy.

The Day After

So yesterday was Valentine's Day....(sarcastically) woohoo! I say so simply because V Day celebrations that I had spent so much time and effort putting together were crushed due to circumstances beyond my control but I thought "ok since that wont work out maybe this will." Silly me, on the Day in question, after crafting a very hansom looking chain (i.e. necklace) for my beloved I am informed that he doesnt celebrate such a day. Mind you his reasoning couldnt really be argued with since he believes that he shouldnt just take one day out of the year to show his sweethear how much he appreci-loves her. Ok fine, but it would have a lot better if he had informed girl before I went ahead and made plans and stuff.

Besides that my efforts were not completely wasted. We spent a nice evening together and sadly had to part this morning so I could go to work.....bummer. After work however I shall travel on wings to doves to be reunited with my love once more.....[oh so Shakespeare, dont ya think?]

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

It Just Keeps Getting Better (My Bitching Post)

This school year might prove to be one that's a bit challenging for the following reasons:
1. Registration was a bit of a problem seeing that I kept one getting "red flagged" for the courses I chose. (after a while I did get my red flag issues sorted out)

2. Tutorials are scheduled to start next week ant the tutorial registration site is STILL not working. (now I'll have to register manually for my tutoirals and the times for two of my courses are still outstanding and I may end up having to be one of the first 20 to get to a tutorial on a day of my choice just to register!)

3. Got to school just in time for my 10am class only to find out that it was moved!! And I had no idea where. (luckily I had a classmate's number and found out that it was changed to 12pm instead of 10am at another venue....oh joy and to think I could have gotten a lot more sleep today)

4. The change in my morning class time affected a the tutorial that was set for that day so it was moved to 9am instead of 1pm. (as such watever hopes I had of sleeping in late on a Wednesday were dashed....oh the horror of it all)

5. I'm also stuck writing and rewriting lecture notes that I missed for my Cognitive Psychology class that I missed yesterday.(this one's not so bad I actually like going over class notes I tend to remember things better)

Currently I'm waiting for my 2hr 6pm class to begin. Turns out all the classes that I have on my days off end late so I shall not see sunlight when going home whether from work or school. Oh how could I forget all the lovely things listed affect my schedule at work which not only resulted in my doing overtime but overtime that I'm not getting paid for as well. Squeeeeeeeee!!! It just keeps getting better.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

School Begins!!

So today is my first day of school and seriously yesterday I was totally pissed off by my class registration status....I got declined for a course for no apparent reason as I have met all the requirements needed to do the course. Any ways after checking out the course at school today I realized that it was probably a good thing that I was declined for that course in the first place.

So yea, school! Wonderful school! Im pretty excited....I dont kno why but I am. It is the start of lectures and lecture notes, tutorials and the dreaded assignments that come with them. Something tells me that this semester is going to be a tough one especially with the fact that I missed a class yesterday since I decided to sign up for it today and the next one isnt until next week.....but in the words of a popular vintage song "I will survive!"

Friday, January 23, 2009

Durex Innovation

I was at work when a coworker of mine floated this link:

(a copy and paste really but chk it out)
funny as hell you have to see it...I dubbed the video "The Versatility of a Durex Condom"

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Wow 2009

Ok so its a new year I might be a bit late but HAPPY NEW YEAR. With a new year comes new issues, interests and possibilities. Over the Christmas holidays I Reassessed my plans and my goals and so far for this year its going smoothly.

I urge everyone to reassess their lives thus far see what changes and alterations can be to better not only yourself but you environment cause sometimes things need to change.

So school shall revive itself next week, honestly I'm not too happy about that but life must go on and for now University is apart of my life. Only one more year to go that's the good part.

In other news this is my first entry for the new year n i cant help but think about chocolate ant the various kinds that is available: milk chocolate, dark chocolate and variations of both. My favorite is reeces(sp), I absolutely love the chocloate peanute butter combination. Another one is M&M's the peanut kind. Love my chocolate. But the king of all chocolates is Hershey's, cookies and cream to be exact and kisses of course.

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